Homeopathic Remedies
20 ml
Unda 1 is indicated for obstruction of the biliary tract, Winckel's disease, afflictions of the gall bladder and jaundice in the newborn infant. This remedy has an action on the liver and all disturbances of...
20 ml
Unda 2 is indicated for infectious and febrile diseases, conditions affecting the kidneys such as autointoxication, renal congestion, nephritis, and albuminuria. This remedy can be used for all infections and...
20 ml
Unda 3 is indicated for individuals with assimilation problems or who have conditions caused by faulty assimilation from the small intestine, as well as for afflictions of the liver and small intestine,...
20 ml
Unda 4 is indicated for conditions such as dyspepsia, gastritis, pyrosis, cramps, macrogastria, stomach ulcers, and lack of appetite. This remedy helps to restore gastric equilibrium. It is also important to...
20 ml
Unda 5 is indicated for all conditions of the respiratory tract, including influenza, coryza, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, cough, emphysema, and latent infectious states. This remedy has an action on the...
20 ml
Unda 6 is indicated for conditions such as constipation, lack of intestinal mucous secretions, portal congestion with abdominal plethora, dry skin and diverticulitis. This remedy plays a role in normalizing...
20 ml
Unda 7 is indicated for conditions such as chronic cystitis, incontinence, hypertrophy of the prostate and hydronephrosis. This remedy is useful for inflammatory conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract.
20 ml
Unda 8 is indicated for conditions affecting the arterial and venous circulation, such as angina pectoris, disorders of venous circulation (varices, phlebitis), hemorrhoids, obliterative arteritis and...
20 ml
Unda 10 is useful in all hormonal, pubertal, and gynecological irregularities, due to its action on the diencephalo-thyroido-cortico-gonadic axis. This remedy is very useful to restore homeostasis to both...
20 ml
Unda 11 is indicated for rheumatic pains and articular pains of arthritic origin. This remedy has an action on the joints in cases of arthritc and rheumatic pain. When excretory organs and ducts are...
20 ml
Unda 12 is indicated for various cutaneous eruptions, including urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, pruritus, chaps, and scabies. This remedy has an action on the skin. When the body is overloaded with toxins, it...
20 ml
Unda 13 is indicated for conditions such as hepatic congestion, biliary deficiency, aerophagy of hepatic origin, nephritis, oliguria, and renal insufficiency. Unda 13 has an action on the liver and kidneys, two...
20 ml
Unda 14 has an action in situations of profound demineralization and a lack of normal physiological reactions. This can occur after serious tuberculinic, pulmonary, or other inflammatory diseases (bronchitis,...
20 ml
Unda 15 should be used as the primary remedy in all febrile or chronic inflammatory conditions. These conditions include influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleuritis, coryza, and night sweats.
20 ml
Unda 16 is indicated for all glandular irregularities, neurovegetative disorders, utero-ovarian disorders, and disorders of calcium metabolism. Unda 16 has an action on the hormonal and neurovegetative systems...
20 ml
Unda 17 is indicated in conditions such as intestinal worms (as parasitosis provokes cutaneous pruritus), eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, scaly skin, pimples, scleroderma, taenia, and asthma which...
20 ml
Unda 18 is indicated for cellular degeneration, leukocyte anomalies, spleen hypertrophy and glandular indurations. Unda 18 has an action on the blood, spleen, and bone marrow. It works in conjunction with Unda...
20 ml
Unda 19 is an active remedy in the degenerative evolution of the lungs and skin. Unda 19 can also be used for tuberculosis with fever, hemoptysis, and respiratory edema.
Showing 1-18 of 41 item(s)