Kidney/Urinary Health
KIDNEYguard+ is a new, unique, 100 % natural and highly effective blend to alleviate the Urinary Tract Infections and to minimize the symptoms associated with toxins produced by bacteria in Urinary Tract and also to...
20 ml
Unda 7 is indicated for conditions such as chronic cystitis, incontinence, hypertrophy of the prostate and hydronephrosis. This remedy is useful for inflammatory conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract.
100 G
Decades use of infusion of the root Borututu showed that the spectrum of its beneficial action is very broad. The infusion is remarkably improved digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract. It regulates...
100 ml
Used in Herbal Medicine to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections. Provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health.
120 grams loose tea
If you are one of the many women suffering from urinary incontinence, Bell Bladder Control Women Tea is the all-in-one, natural solution to help reduce sleepless nights and days of isolation caused...
Kit includes: 60 VCaps of CandiGONE 1 and 30 mL of CandiGONE 2 Tincture.
CandiGONE is a 15 day herbal program for those suffering from Candida yeast overgrowth. It is a broad spectrum anti-fungal and anti-bacterial...
Helps promote a clean and fresh urinary tract. Formulated to help alleviate urinary tract infections (UTIs), including bladder infections and kidney infections. The ingredients combine to give you thorough, but gentle...
20 ml
Unda 13 is indicated for conditions such as hepatic congestion, biliary deficiency, aerophagy of hepatic origin, nephritis, oliguria, and renal insufficiency. Unda 13 has an action on the liver and kidneys, two...
Bladder problems and urinary tract irritations are debilitating. A.Vogel Bladder Formula Cystoforce relieves these ailments thanks to its astringent and diuretic properties. Fresh herbs extract of Uva-ursi (Bearberry)...
120 grams loose tea
Prostate Ezee Flow Tea is the complimentary natural formulation to help ease the annoyance of frequent urination without the burning and dribbling effects associated with enlargement of the...
Nettle contains unsaturated fatty acids, organic acids, mineral salts, potassium, calcium and silica. Nettle teas help in the treatment of urinary tract infections, support the bile ducts and liver by improving...
Kit contains: 60 VCaps of Kidney Cleanse 1 and 60 VCaps of Kidney Cleanse 2
Kidney Cleanse is a 30 day, two part cleansing program designed to cleanse, sterilize, and alkalize the urinary system. Formulated with...
Proven to combat and prevent bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. Proven pain reliever for arthritis, muscle and joint pain. Cold & Flu Prevention & Treatment. Made with 80% Carvacrol True...
60 Vegan Organicap Capsules
OregaFlu is the ultimate combination for preventing and reversing colds and flu (influenza). Pure-lē Natural has combined the best known cold and flu fighters in one potent Organicap...
Proven to combat and prevent bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. Proven pain reliever for arthritis, muscle and joint pain. Cold & Flu Prevention & Treatment. Made with 80% Carvacrol True...
Proven to combat and prevent bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. Proven pain reliever for arthritis, muscle and joint pain. Cold & Flu Prevention & Treatment. Made with 80% Carvacrol True...
50 ml
Fungafect is used in Herbal Medicine for fungal infections and to enhance immune function. Fungafect™ has been formulated with a view to its specific anti-infective properties. The ingredients in this formula...
Gout Relief is a natural formula that addresses the root cause of gout and provides quick effective results. Gout Relief helps to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with gout. Gout Relief also helps to lower...
Showing 1-18 of 24 item(s)